In order to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003; hereinafter referred to as "the Personal Information Protection Law") and related laws (including guidelines), D.A.Consortium Holdings Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has formulated basic policies for personal information protection (hereinafter referred to as "the Privacy Policy") and has devised measures for the adequate protection and management of personal information.
This policy shall be applied to personal information handled by the Company.
When acquiring personal information, the Company shall clearly specify the purpose of use in advance and shall acquire such information from individuals by appropriate and lawful means. The Company shall use personal information to the extent of achieving the initially intended purpose. In the event that the purpose of use changes, the Company shall obtain prior consent from individuals who provide the Company with their personal information.
Types of acquired personal information, method of acquisition, and purpose of use are as follows:
1. The Company shall acquire the following types of personal information:
2. The Company shall acquire personal information mainly in the following ways:
3. The Company shall use personal information for the following purposes:
The Company shall not provide personal information to a third party unless otherwise specified hereinafter:
The Company shall endeavor to ensure that the personal information obtained by the Company is accurate and up-to-date. After the minimum required preservation period, personal information shall be erased or discarded. The Company shall devise appropriate measures for the safe management of information against unauthorized access, computer virus, etc. to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information.
The Company shall establish an information security management organization and shall formulate in-house rules based on the Privacy Policy in order to establish a system for the protection of personal information. The Company shall educate all employees (including dispatched / loan / contract employees) about said in-house rules of personal information protection.
When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information, the Company shall carefully select an appropriate outsourcing partner and shall implement the required and appropriate supervision of the outsourcing partner by entering into a confidentiality agreement with the partner under the Privacy Policy.
In the event that a request for disclosure, revision of content, addition, omission, termination of usage, deletion, or termination of provision to third parties is received from an individual with regard to personal information, the Company shall respond without delay as required under in-house rules after confirming the identity of the individual in question.
In the event of leakage of personal information or other accidents, the Company shall notify relevant individuals of the leakage or such an accident without delay and shall publicize the accident and the corrective action taken.
If any complaint arises regarding the handling of personal information, the Company shall endeavor to take prompt and appropriate measures.
In response to the revision of laws and regulations, changes in business scope, and other changes in social trends, the Company shall continuously examine and improve the Privacy Policy and related in-house rules.
If you have any requests regarding the disclosure or revision of personal information, any complaints about the handling of personal information, comments or inquiries regarding the Company web-pages, please contact:
Established on October 3, 2016